Official Blog
maanantai 19. heinäkuuta 2010
Mexico city : A place, where I have always wanted to go
Our flight was scheduled to leave 18 of June at 07.00 am. We were at the airport at 5 am.
Leaving from the cold and rainy Finland
However everything didn't go smoothly. When we went to check ourselves in, a lady behind the desk, said that our tickets are not valid. We had to leave the queue. Johannes and I went to look for some answers from two different service desks, but they all told us the same thing: Our tickets are not valid, but nobody knew why.
It took almost an hour and a lot of discussion until the situation cleared. All thanks to Johannes. He was persistent enough to claim the answer. I don't know, what really happened, but suddenly, they found our tickets from the computer.
and then our journey finally started!
Having biers In frankfurth (tired?)
The flight was long. It took over 12 hours...
Puerta 8
We were at the airport around 10 pm and really surprised that there were fans waiting for our arrival.
It was really nice. Thank you guys!
At the hotel Fiesta Inn aeropureto
We went almost straight to bed, so we were really energetic in the morning! After the breakfast, it was time to go to the Circo volador.
Outside at the backstage area
Soundcheck time
I can honestly say, that this gig was the best gig ever so far! The audience was great and we had an awsome time at the stage... I want to come back as soon as possible!
We spent four days after the gig in Mexico...
Tequila tasting... it could be dangerous...=D
The temple of the sun in Teotihuacan.. Oh, what a long way to the top... I was amazed that we were able to climb up there.
At the last day, we went to museo to explore the ancient history of Mexico.
It was an awsome gig with a really nice trip =)! Until the next time...
Heavy greetz
Some memories from the Summer Breeze festival 2009
Our gig was in 13.8, but the whole journey started in 12.8. and ended 16.8.
It was our first time on a really big festival mainstage, what can one say! It was unforgettable!
Our view from the stage during the soundcheck
Check out more photos of the gig
After the gig there was 5 really happy people in the backstage area!
maanantai 3. elokuuta 2009
Once upon a time in Germany (WGT)
Once upon a time in Germany (WGT)
As always our travelling party was a little late in the morning. We were supposed to meet each other at 8.30 am in front of the rehearsal grip, but somehow the cat dragged everyone of us in around 9:am. Luckily we had still plenty of time.
We were at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport around twelve and went straight to the check-in. There we pondered what to do with instruments and the weight-problem. Not mine ;). Just how many kg/person can be placed to the airplane's hold…
Then we queued to the passport control. That was the easy part for everyone else except for me. I had this huge backpack, which has many hidden pockets. And of course I did remember to check the pockets... Yeah right. The backpack peeped in x-ray. I had stay there and check its pockets, when everyone else got to the other side of the fence. Well, I opened one pocket and found a big bottle of deodorant. Ok, once again they x-raid it. This time there was still something wrong. And again I checked. Well, there was a hairspray bottle, which was a bit too big. X-ray, check, x-ray, check. Finally I found 5 items one at a time, which were not supposed to be in those pockets. You know I have red hair, but you should have seen my face, when I finally entered the other side. Everything from that on went quite smoothly while in the airport… except do you wanna know what happens if you say bomb too loudly?... just kidding.
We arrived to
The car trip to
Finally we found ourselves in
We didn’t have enough time to take our stuff to the hotel, so we drove straight to get the tickets and then to the festival area. I’ve never been before in WGT, so it was really nice to see the festival area and the stage etc. We even had our own backstage dressing room. It was really cool… there was a mirror and "freshments", what else do you need? Ou.. and of course a bathroom.
We spent well the whole hour before the gig meditating in our own Finnish way and when was our time to head to the stage, the athmosphere was excellent.
The gig was great. I loved the audience. I didn’t hear myself in some parts of the gig, but I didn’t let that bother me. I just wanted to sing and have a really good time.
We hadn’t had anything to eat during the whole day, so after the gig, we headed to get some food! Which was btw great..again! I could almost feel the sugar rush… or at least something, which made me feel warm and cosy?
Something really interesting happened when we were sitting outside, behind the backstage catering. We found a funk container!! In what world can one ever find a funk container? We were so thrilled that we had to take photos of that. Then the guys decided to take some Hurriganes -photos (Hurriganes was/is a famous Finnish band). Maybe that’s the style for our next promo shooting-sessions. Something new, something blue, something retro…
Around 12: am we finally dragged ourselves to the hotel, where Matti and I sat in the lobby bar till 3: am trying to make the world a better place or us more cheerful. Then we had a good night sleep -about three hours. At 6:am we were forced to get up and jump in the car. I slept the whole journey to
It was a really fun journey and it really gave us something…like a speeding ticket two weeks later.
It had a really cool photo of Teemu and his sunglasses. Seriously though, can’t wait for the next gig abroad which is at Summer breeze festival 13th of August.
Ready to start the journey to Germany!
At the airport, when I finally got out from the
Some promoshooting (Hurriganes-style)
In the morning at 6:am
Leaving from germany!! See you next time!
Finally it’s here! Cheers!
What has happened in KATRA-area during this spring and summer?
Well, First of all; two new great musicians joined the team – Teemu and Matti. Check out the guys bios later.
We have also written new songs, which were played live first time in Dante’s Higlight Helsinki 13.5.
29th of May we visited in
Now we can say goodbye to summer holidays and get this party started again. There will be new songs, photos and updates… So stay tuned.